Who Is Annie Bot? Is He Gay, What Does He Look Like?
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Jared “Annie Bot” Carr is an American player who is widely known to fans for specializing in the character of the game Annie Bot. As of May 7, 2018, Jared Carr has reached 15,557 ranks in Annie games, up to 6,880,069 championship points on Annie and 15,209,497 views on Twitch.

He is also known as a challenger-level player and has been playing Annie Bot on all courses since 2013. Carr met Challenger in the 4th season and has stayed there (and sometimes in the master tier) ever since. The League of Legends player also flocks to more than 430,000 followers on Twitch.

Not only does he play the Dark Child, but he also streams and writes top-notch guides. He also has a YouTube channel where he compiles a variety of gameplay footage and uses social media like Twitter and Facebook to reach his audience. His other reports include Annîe, Frostfire Annie, Panda Annie, and Toxic Annie Main.

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Who Is Annie Bot And What Does He Look Like? 

Since we’ve already established that Annie Bot is a character played by a genius named Jared Carr, you may want to learn more about the man behind the game and the game itself.

Annie Bot, as Jared is known professionally, was born in the United States on September 5, 1991. There are no details about his family and the particular town where he was born, but we do know that he has a sister and studied at UC Berkeley, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.

Carr started when a roommate showed him the game that made him “addicted”. During an interview with Dignitas, in which he gave an insight into what made him decide to play in Annie Bots League of Legends, Carr attributed his passion for the game to his roommate, who was never an avid League player, but rather a casual player.

He decided to start streaming in December 2013, when people told him that he would be very successful. Carr would finish his lessons at six in the evening and stream until two in the morning. He said he was thrilled when viewer numbers began to rise without any moderation. Combining studies and streaming play was hard to balance during his stay in Berkeley, but he scored no less than a B, so all was fair game for him.

Jared Carr is widely known as the guy who plays Annie Bot, and there are few images that identify him or his appearance. He simply described himself in an interview as someone with an obsessive personality when it comes to the game, which over time has allowed him to hold on to what he does without losing interest.

On all his social media sites; Facebook and Twitter, the Challenger level player seem to be an extremely private person who doesn’t want to bring his private life into his career. He said he only wants to be known for one thing, and that is learning and playing from only one champion, Annie. He believes that the only thing that makes him unique would cost him time and effort to learn other champions.

Streaming Annie Bot


Carr tried a few champions like Amumu and Ashe before deciding to focus on Annie because she has strength, reliability, damage, and an incredibly high AP ratio on her Q, W, and R. His favorite part of the Annie character is the irony of the little girl with a stuffed teddy that could unexpectedly kill multiple game characters with a single Flash-Tinner combination.

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The player behind Annie Bot said his favorite Annie skins are Red Riding Annie and Classic Annie. He has remained with Annie over the years as his best champion and described the Bot as a simple mechanical champ with less crazy combinations. His advice on the value of mastering Annie – Carr said that she carries games very lightly and therefore can be used if you want to move up in the ranks.

Regarding the value of putting tons of games into a champion, Carr said that you have to learn all the matches for the champion to be able to play in matches that do not favor you. And if you nurture a champion, it increases your chances of winning.

Is He Gay?

For someone who remains practically partially anonymous in public, questions about his sexuality have remained unanswered. Consequently, we cannot conclusively judge whether he is gay or heterosexual, and the question has hardly been the subject of the debate so far.